Closing the Skills Gap Conference

Since the Bridging the Gap conference in 2017, FIESTA has been working towards a solution that will enable furniture and interiors businesses of all sizes to easily train and recruit employees for all job functions. FIESTA will be presenting this solution,… Read more

Furniture National Occupational Standards Review

The BFM on behalf of FIESTA are currently undertaking a Furniture National Occupational Standards Review and we would like to invite you to take part. Your involvement will ensure the benchmark industry standards of performance and effective working keep pace… Read more

The Apprenticeship Levy

The Apprenticeship Levy came into effect on 6 April 2017 and is part of the government’s commitment to creating 3 million apprenticeships in England by 2020. The levy requires all employers operating in the UK with an annual pay bill… Read more

5 Reasons to Hire an Apprentice

Why should we hire an apprentice? During early March, National Apprenticeship week took place, throughout this week employers and apprentices from across England came together to celebrate the success of apprenticeships whilst encouraging even more people to choose apprenticeships as… Read more