Furniture National Occupational Standards Review

The BFM on behalf of FIESTA are currently undertaking a Furniture National Occupational Standards Review and we would like to invite you to take part.

Your involvement will ensure the benchmark industry standards of performance and effective working keep pace with changing industry needs.

NOS set down industry expectations of performance and achievement in the roles and the specific knowledge and skills staff need to perform effectively. The NOS for Furniture   form the basis of industry qualifications and are used to inform professional development. They describe what an individual needs to do, know and understand in order to carry out a particular job role or function. NOS set out industry-agreed benchmarks for expected job performance and the specific knowledge and skills necessary to do the job well.

NOS form the bedrock of qualification design and training and learning content – including apprenticeships across the devolved nations.  For NOS to be accurate they rely on industry inputting into them so they reflect the most recent technological or process methods or working practices.

To complete the consultation, you will need to follow the link(s) below and fill out the online survey.  This consultation closes on 30th November 2018.

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